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Hobby or Passion?

For years I have been happy to be the focus for some photography project or as a favor to a friend with a vision. I wouldn't say I ever thought I was Naomi Campbell, but I always loved the process of seeing the images and how I could make the look different. I have shots where I just have no clue what to do in the photo but I still tried my best. Even as I started doing paid modeling gigs, I noticed people were more pleased with the results that I was

After realizing how stiff and uncomfortable I felt in a studio I decided to find some photographers working on some nature projects. Through the years I have made some good friends with some great photographers and managed to book a rooftop shoot and even one on a boat on the lake. I noticed I loosened up a lot and enjoyed being in the most beautiful photography studio: nature at happy hour

I could see my portfolio and confidence improve after a few shoots and tips.

I was offered the chance to go to Vienna, Austria for a few weeks and I decided while I was there I was going to get a modeling gig from a local photographer if it was the last thing I would do.

After some networking on Model Mayhem, I found a photographer who was looking for a "dark" model for his portfolio and was very happy to find me. We set up a time to meet the very next day!

The cool thing about this photographer was he had this master key that gets into the front doors of many housing buildings. This key has access to the doors that postal service men and do not open any personal doors but it gave us access to courtyards and the backs of buildings. We could get inside archways and entrances covered with stained glass

We walked miles around Vienna but I have to say I have never been happier with a shoot. Now I am so obsessed with taking it to another level and even though it doesn't quite pay the bills, I haven't decided yet if this is a passion of mine or just a hobby I'm obsessed with. And what really is the difference?

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